Benet House Retreat Center
Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery
Upcoming Programs
Lectio Divina (virtual only): Lectio Divina is the foundation for Benedictine prayer.
Consider making it a steady prayer in your life. Slow sacred reading of Scriptures, poetry, nature, and art; the
Word of God comes to us in many forms. With contemplative reading, listening, and seeing, we can learn to
recognize the Divine Presence in all things. Join us each week to savor God’s voice in your daily life and share
with others. Tuesdays: August 6, 13, 20, and 27; 9-10 am; Leader: Linda Clewell, SMM Oblate. Fee: Free
will offering.
Centering Prayer (virtual): Wednesdays: August 7, 14, 21, and 28; 1-2 pm; Leader: Carol Mizeur,
Coordinator for Mississippi Valley Centering Prayer; Fee: Free will offering.
Compassion Circles (Virtual and Onsite): A gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless
Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing of compassion moments and then an insight on
compassion presentation and discussion. Participants are welcome to attend whenever their schedule allows.
2 nd and 4 th Wednesdays: Aug. 14 th and 28 th ; 9:30-11 am; Leaders: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB and Lorene Knobbe.
Both are Certified Boundless Compassion Facilitators. Fee: Free will offering.
Spirituality and Poetry (Virtual): 3 rd Thursday each month. Next session: Aug. 15, 9-11 am; Retreat Leader:
Lisa Breger. Fee: $25.
Wisdom Women of the New Testament (Virtual and Onsite): Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who
gain understanding. (Prov. 3:13) This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament created by Little
Rock Bible Studies. Each session has a video speaker, discussion questions, and prayer. Session schedule:
Aug. 15: Intro and Mary, Mother of Jesus.
Oct. 17: Women Beneficiaries of Jesus’ Miracles.
Dec. 19: The Samaritan Woman of John’s Gospel.
Feb. 20: Mary and Martha, Models of Devotion and Service.
Apr. 17: Mary Magdalene, Apostle of the Resurrection.
June 19: Other Important, but Lesser-Known Women of the New Testament.
3rd Thursdays; 9:30-11:30 am; Retreat Leaders: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB and Lorene Knobbe. Fee:
$20/session plus $15/workbook; full series $130 (includes workbook). Program link will be sent upon
The Thomas Merton Group (Virtual and Onsite): “Every breath we draw is a gift of God’s love; every
moment of existence is a grace.” Thomas Merton. Benet House is an official chapter of the Thomas Merton
Society (International Merton Society). The chapter meets to read, discuss, and grow in the understanding of
Merton’s life and writings. Videos, articles, books, speakers, and features from Tuesday with Merton are
some of the resources used. The group decides the monthly focus. Retreat Leader: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB.
3 rd Mondays: Aug 19; Nov. 18; Jan. 20; May 19; 6:30-8 pm; Fee: $15/session and books are purchased on
your own. Mar. 17-18, 2025, overnight retreat: $140 (private room); $133 (double room); $105 (commuter).
Word Among Us (Onsite): Read, reflect, pray, and share with other committed Christians seeking to grow
through the challenges of Scripture in everyday life. Using Word Among Us, participants are encouraged to
read and reflect on a Scripture passage each day. Facilitators: Sr. Mary Schmidt, OSB and Lorene Knobbe,
Benet House Program Assistant. 2 nd and 4 th Mondays at Benet House; Aug. 26; Sept. 9, 23; 1-2:30 pm; Fee:
$50 series/per semester; Participants order their own subscription to Word Among Us.
For more information: Phone: 309-283-2108
Email: retreats@smmsisters.org
Web: www.smmsisters.org/retreats
For more information and pricing:
Sr. Jackie Walsh, OSB
Phone: 309-283-2108
Email: retreats@smmsisters.org