Benet House Retreat Center

Benet House Retreat Center

Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery

Upcoming Programs

Lectio Divina (virtual only): Lectio Divina is the foundation for Benedictine prayer.
Consider making it a steady prayer in your life. Slow sacred reading of Scriptures, poetry, nature, and art; the
Word of God comes to us in many forms. With contemplative reading, listening, and seeing, we can learn to
recognize the Divine Presence in all things. Join us each week to savor God’s voice in your daily life and share
with others. Tuesdays: July 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; 9-10 am; Leader: Linda Clewell, SMM Oblate. Fee: Free
will offering.
Centering Prayer (virtual): Wednesdays: July 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31; 1-2 pm; Leader: Carol Mizeur,
Coordinator for Mississippi Valley Centering Prayer; Free will offering.
Compassion Circles (Virtual and Onsite): A gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless
Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing of compassion moments and then an insight on
compassion presentation and discussion. Participants are welcome to attend whenever their schedule allows. 
2 nd and 4 th Wednesdays: July 10 th and 24 th ; 9:30-11 am; Retreat Leaders: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB and Lorene
Knobbe. Both are Certified Boundless Compassion Facilitators. Fee: Free will offering.

Sr. Joyce Rupp Reading Group: Open the Door, A Journey to the True Self (Virtual and Onsite): Join this book
study, the first of our ongoing series. We will explore the rich image of the door as an invitation to growth
and awareness. Designed as a six-week process, each day includes a short reflection, meditation, and prayer
inviting us to new depths of wisdom and insight. The seventh day brings review and rest, allowing us to
integrate what arose from the week’s readings. Concluding 3 Thursdays: July 11, 18, and 25; 1-2:30 pm;
Retreat Leader: Lorene Knobbe: Spiritual Director, Boundless Compassion Facilitator and Assistant Program
Director at Benet House. Fee: $60/series. Scholarships available-please ask! Registration deadline June 9,
Spirituality and Poetry (Virtual): 3rd Thursday each month. Next session: July 18, 9-11 am. Retreat Leader:
Lisa Breger. Fee: $25.
Centering Prayer Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat: Surrender and Intention (Onsite only): This is an
opportunity for more extensive periods of Centering Prayer to deepen the personal practice of contemplative
prayer. The Post Intensive Retreat focuses more on complete silence for the duration of the retreat with no
educational component presented. The Intensive Retreat has several days teaching components. All meals
are silent with no conversation. A minimum of one-year regular practice of Centering Prayer is a prerequisite
to attend. Dates:/Times: Sun. July 21 (Arrival: 4:30 pm; Soup Supper: 5:30 pm; Retreat opening: 7 pm)
–Sun. July 28, 4 pm. Retreat Leaders: Dick Jensen and Carol Mizeur. Fee: Register and pay in full by June
21: $700 (includes meals and private room.) Registration and payment after June 21: $715.

For more information and pricing:

Sr. Jackie Walsh, OSB

Phone:  309-283-2108 

